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France – A petition to stop the “second wave” of GMOs

In February 2021, many French associations and unions launched a petition entitled “Stop the second wave of GMOs”. This petition, which has collected more than 100,000 signatures in ten days, asks the French government to respect the European and French court judgements to regulate the new GMOs. The petition [1], launched by several French associations [2], alerts […]



La position des différents acteurs au sein de la Convention sur la diversité biologique.

Informations de séquences numérisées (DSI)

Données numérisées d’êtres vivants (DSI) : une législation mondiale ?

Depuis 2016, il existe un débat sur le statut légal des informations de séquences de génomes, de protéines, d’ARN… enregistrées dans des bases de données. Ce débat a lieu parmi les pays membres de plusieurs enceintes ou conventions internationales : la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique, le Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l’alimentation et […]

Towards a new European legislation on seeds?

At the end of 2019, the Council of the European Union invited the Commission to study the means available to update the regulation on seeds, with a view to formulating possible legislative proposals [1]. The publication of this study, scheduled for the end of 2020, has been delayed. What exactly is it about and where do […]

Patents, a cause of discord among companies

In a response provided by the French government to a European Commission questionnaire on new techniques of genetic modification, the topic of patents is largely addressed in the “disadvantages” chapter. It considers that the differences between patents and plant breeders’ rights will be one of the dividing lines between companies in the debate on these […]


New GMOs: an unbalanced benefit/risk scale

In its response to a European Commission’s questionnaire on new techniques of genetic modification in agriculture, the French government lists their advantages and disadvantages. For example, it considers that only certain companies with significant financial and technical resources could use them. Notably as they imply, to be profitable, the mobilization of very large agricultural areas. […]

France considers almost all GMOs traceable

In its response to a questionnaire sent by the European Commission to the Member States, France clarifies its position on the possible regulation of products obtained by new techniques of genetic modification, from which are derived what some people have called new GMOs. We are made aware that only certain GMOs would be difficult to […]


Ressource génétique

Pourquoi la notion de « ressource génétique » est-elle problématique ?

Informations de séquences numérisées (DSI)

Le débat sur les DSI doit être public !

Depuis quelques années, les États discutent de savoir si utiliser des séquences numérisées de génomes est équivalent à utiliser les organismes physiques dont ces séquences sont issues. La question est au cœur d’enjeux de souveraineté nationale sur la biodiversité. En 2019, l’Union européenne contribuait au débat sans consultation préalable du Parlement européen. Dans cet interview, […]

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