Veille juridique Inf’OGM du 9 au 16 octobre 2023
Commission des affaires économiques : audition à venir sur l’avenir de la filière bio
Le 18 octobre prochain, à 9 heures, la commission des affaires économiques du Sénat auditionnera, sur le sujet de l’avenir de la filière bio, M. Philippe Camburet, président de la Fédération nationale d’agriculture biologique (FNAB), et Mme Laure Verdeau, directrice de l’Agence Bio.
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•Parlement européen
Nouvelle question parlementaire : coopération de la Commission avec Bill Gates
Question E-002680/2023/rev.1 de Marcel de Graaff (NI) :
« According to various publications, the Commission is closely involved in initiatives launched by Bill Gates (such as Breakthrough Energy and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) in the areas of climate policy, pharmaceuticals and digital identity [1]. According to those publications, Bill Gates is using the initiatives to further his financial interests and increase his influence on European policies [2].
1. Can the Commission say why it is involved in Bill Gates’ initiatives that are typified by financial gain, conflict of interest and curtailment of our fundamental rights ?
2. Can the Commission list of all communications, collaborative arrangements and all agreements, lobbying activities, transactions and risk analyses (including as regards conflict of interest and curtailment of our fundamental rights) in connection with Bill Gates and his initiatives ?
3. In the process, can the Commission also disclose all data relating to Bill Gates and his initiatives so that the public and the media can independently establish the truth ? If not, why not, and what does the Commission have to hide ? »
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Nouvelle question parlementaire : OGM cachés
Question E-002941/2023 de Roman Haider (ID) :
« The Commission has submitted a proposal for a regulation on plants obtained by certain new genomic techniques (NGTs) and their food and feed that would discontinue or simplify labelling requirements and authorisation procedures for GMOs produced by means of certain NGTs. In an open letter, European Action voices concerns that hidden GMOs are being authorised in the EU’s food chain and that fundamental EU principles are being discarded in favour of an economic competitive advantage. It states that compatibility with the Green Deal is questionable because, for instance, of ‘herbicide tolerance’ and unpredictable consequences if GMOs enter the natural environment.
1. How does the Commission justify depriving EU citizens, through this proposal, of the right to know precisely where the ingredients in their food come from and thus make informed purchasing decisions ?
2. If GMOs developed with certain NGTs are safe and beneficial, why is the Commission encouraging concealing their use in food production ?
3. What is the Commission’s assessment of the risk that more hidden GMOs will be found in the EU food chain ? »
Lien ici.
[1] « Bill Gates blijkt dé klimaatman bij Europese Commissie en bepaalt mee in overheidsbeleid »,, 31 juillet 2023.
[2] Hans Wetzels et Salsabil Fayed, « Bill Gates verdoezelt zijn financiële belangen in Europese klimaatinvesteringen », Follow the Money, 31 juillet 2023.