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Impact sur la biodiversité

An opulent and powerless regulatory landscape for declining biodiversity

Environmental standards are proliferating everywhere, yet biodiversity is declining. Over the last fifty years or so, international, European and national standards have been adopted to substantiate mankind’s responsibility towards the environment and to reconcile human activities with its protection. One fact is widely acknowledged : the loss of biodiversity is proceeding with great strides. While some […]


The ”Réseau Semences Paysannes”:20 years of defence of cultivated biodiversity

Just 20 years ago, over 350 people, including representatives of farmers’ movements and unions, organic and biodynamic farming organisations and NGOs, came together for the first farmers’ seed meetings in France. These meetings marked the birth of the Réseau Semences Paysannes (RSP), a group of collectives working to promote cultivated biodiversity. Twenty years on, where […]


Farmers’ seed systems, in the light of an alternative

The autonomy of peasant seed systems is a founding element of the agro-ecological shift. Guy Kastler and Antonio Onorati, members of La Via Campesina, use examples to demonstrate the importance of peasant seeds in this movement. Farmers’ seed systems are not a vague aspiration of the ”custodians” of local varieties. Nor are they the aspiration […]




Patents on living organisms: a growing appropriation

In a world where biotechnologies are developing at lightning speed, it is essential to think on about the way they are regulated by law and how the legislator anticipates their impact on the ground. This dossier explores the various aspects of this issue, from the battle over patents in the agro-industry, particularly around the Crispr-Cas […]



Intellectual property rights on living beings will be forced to evolve

Patents and plant breeders’ rights (PBRs) are the two main IPRs for living organisms, but other suis generis systems are also possible. Patents, the most powerful tool, applies to biotechnological inventions, modified plants, their cells, their genes, etc. The PVC covers plant varieties via their phenotypic (observable) characteristics, provided that they are distinct, uniform and […]


Analysis / Detection

Patents and evolution of the Plant Breeders’ Rights (PBRs)

The PBR is an intellectual property right granted on a plant variety according to four criteria: distinctness, uniformity and stability of its characteristics, as well as novelty compared to known plants. These criteria, as analysed by H. Tordjman in 2008, have historically been preceded by a prior artificial definition of the seed as an object […]



Biodiversité cultivée

Patents on NGTs, between disputes and desire: the case of Crispr-Cas 9

Patents on “new genomic technologies” (NGTs) cover all areas of life, from fundamental research to its applications. The ownership of these patents is shared between the public and private sectors. For the industry, the profit potential of NGTs is considerable, and patents are the major guarantors of this. Crispr-Cas 9, the subject of the main […]




Seed patents: the industry’s great manoeuvres

Developments in biotechnology over the last twenty years have been spectacular, as have those in other high-tech areas such as information science and nanotechnology. In all these fields, intellectual property issues are crucial to the development of what is essentially a scientific and technical activity. The particularity of biotechnology is that it involves living organisms […]



Is 2024 the year when patents on life are politically challenged?

On 20 March 2024, the European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) celebrated a victoryi : the failure of the European Commission to push through its plan to deregulate GMOs/NGTs, in particular because the issue of patents blocked discussions between governments. The Commission justified – and still justifies – its proposal for deregulation on the grounds that […]

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