Who we are?

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Inf’OGM is an association under the law of 1901, founded in 1999, which publishes independent and critical information.

Inf’OGM is a citizens’ watchdog that deciphers world news and offers a unique French-language information service on GMOs, biotechnologies, patents and seeds.
Its mission is to encourage and nurture democratic debate by providing critical, independent information that is accessible to the general public. Inf’OGM is working for genuine transparency in the GMO debate.

38, rue Saint Sabin – 75011 Paris
This address is just a post box. Inf’OGM no longer has official premises as all our employees work from home.

Email: infogm-AT-infogm.org (fight against address piracy: the letters AT are to be replaced by the @ symbol)

Telephone: 07 66 22 02 76 (voice mail)

Website: https://www.infogm.org