United States of America

25 years later, insecticidal GMOs face insect resistance

43 detections of insects having acquired resistance to the Bt proteins supposed to kill them were listed in a scientific article in 2023. 43 cases out of 73 studied, i.e. more than half. For the authors of the article, the use of insecticidal GMOs has been crowned with success, as in several cases it has made it possible to reduce or even eradicate local pests. But failures also occurred due to resistance. The authors believe that the future lies in a combination of technologies, among which is RNA interference.

Illegal GMO plants and micro-organisms in Europe

Between 1 January 2021 and the present day, the European Union has had to deal with almost fifty cases of the illegal presence of GMOs on its territory. Most of the cases reported by the national authorities involve GMO plants originating in Asian countries such as Vietnam and Thailand, but also in other countries such as Ukraine, the United States and, more surprisingly, France… GMO micro-organisms have also been detected in batches of food additives used in human and animal nutrition.

GMO viruses as laboratory tools to be spread in the environment ?

In a recent article, researchers detail several ongoing projects for the genetic modification of viruses. Some of these could be deliberately released into the environment. On February 7, 2024, the European Parliament asked the European Commission to study the potential deregulation of these GMO viruses. A general overview of those projects seems therefore necessary.

Fungicide and herbicide micropeptides on Europe’s doorstep?

Toulouse-based Micropep Technologies has just had one of its fungicidal micropeptides approved in the United States. The technology, developed and patented by this CNRS spin-off, is aiming for European approval by 2030. However, these micropeptides are raising questions about their potential impact on ecosystems.

“Gain of function” in viruses: research in question

Prophetic but misleading: fictitious examples in patents

The breeders’ gene pool: a semantic trap?

GMOs: sweetened transparency


The threat of GMO/NGT patents is growing stronger

GMO mosquitoes: malaria spurs research

GMO pigs: sausages for offspring selection

Is the US government cultivating a conflict of interest?