Who is funding us?

We would like to thank our funders for their support :
Inf’OGM is approved to receive donations from companies that are members of the One percent for the Planet.
- Gandi for its technical support :
Inf’OGM would like to thank the following for their past support :
Fonds pour une presse libre
Olga/Triballat Noyal
Les Jardins de Gaïa
National association of free GMOs cities (l’association nationale des communes sans OGM ANCSOGM)) ;
Agence de l’eau (Water Agency) (2001, 2003-2004, 2006-2008),
Fondation la Ferthé (2008, 2013 et 2014),
Fondation Nicolas Hulot (2007),
Fondation Denis Guichard
Fondation Terre humaine
Labour Ministry (le ministère de l’Emploi (via le financement de deux emplois-jeunes) (1999-2008)),
Crédit coopératif,
Terra Symbiosis
Fondation Humus
Regional councils (les conseils régionaux) of Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine, Basse Normandie, Ile de France, Lorraine, Nord Pas de Calais, Pays de la Loire
And the following elected representatives :
Members of the European Parliament EELV Benoît Biteau and Claude Gruffat.
Members of the French Parliament Brigitte Allain, Noël Mamère, Isabelle Attard, Bernard Lesterlin
Yves Cochet, François de Rugy and the former Green group of the Parliament (EELV)
Jean Dessessart, Jacques Muller, Marie-Christine Blandin, Dominique Voynet, Leila Aïchi and the former Green group of the Senate (EELV)
Delphine Batho, Geneviève Gaillard, Frédéric Roig et François Brottes
Former EELV MEP José Bové
the Green group of the European Parliament
Inf’OGM adopted a charter (available only in French) to determine which partnerships are acceptable and which are not. This Charter was revised in 2021.