Inf’OGM is also a newspaper
****************20 full-colour pages to help you delve deeper into a thematic dossier on the major issues currently facing GMOs, biotechnologies, patents and seeds.
Some of the articles are accompanied by explanatory boxes and computer graphics to clarify specific, sometimes complex, terms and concepts.
It’s an essential tool for fuelling democratic debate with critical, independent information that’s accessible to the general public.
Subscriptions ensure that we are partly self-financing and help to perpetuate our citizen information monitoring activities.
A year’s subscription costs €30.
As an organisation, you can also opt for a collective subscription (5 copies) for €140.
Subscribing to the journal automatically gives you access to the digital version of each article.
If you prefer, you can take out a digital-only subscription for €15 a year.
Journals that are more than one year old are freely available in digital format on our website.
We publish 4 issues a year. Take the plunge today and receive Inf’OGM at home!