Seeds regulation: the industry weighs in the balance
At a time when the European Union is preparing new regulations on seeds, a look at the meetings between MEPs and the various stakeholders indirectly shows the weight of the multinationals in these procedures. This raises questions about the imbalance in the representation of these parties and the potential consequences for small seed companies, farmers and peasants.

Pro-GMO multinationals indirectly manage the Svalbard seed bank
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (Svalbard, Norway), often nicknamed the “seed vault”, plays a special role in preserving genetic biodiversity. Its main mission, focused on the long-term conservation of seed samples, is officially to preserve the diversity of plant genetic resources and ensure their accessibility in the event of disasters. However, a closer look at how it works reveals the considerable influence and interests of pro-GMO players in its governance. Who will really benefit from Svalbard, the multinationals or the farmers?

Few micro-organisms modified by Crispr are already on the market

GMOs: the Commission ignores its experts to reassure industry

The biotech industry: political pressure

Industry influences scientific articles and expertise

EFSA: independence and transparency to be improved