Credits and legal information

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Website published by the non-profit-making association under the French law of 1901 called “Inf’OGM – Veille citoyenne sur les OGM” (GMO Citizens’ Watch)
38 rue St Sabin – 75011 Paris – France
Telephone number: +33 7 66 22 02 76
Inf’OGM has no share capital.

Publication director: Annick Bossu

Website host: Gandi SAS
63-65 boulevard Masséna – 75013 Paris – France
Telephone number: +33 3 66 72 17 61
Simplified joint stock company with share capital of €630,000.

Technical production: (Julien Villalard)

CPPAP online press service number: 0626 Z 90928
Valid until: 30/06/2026